Face Painting Expert-Entertainment | BookTheParty.in
  • Face Painting Expert
  • Face Painting Expert
  • Face Painting Expert
  • Face Painting Expert

    (2 reviews)

    Setup Time:  1 Hrs

    Rent duration:  03:00 Hrs


    Add a fun element to your children’s party with one of the amazing face painters and see the priceless expression on their happy faces when they look at their fantastic new look.

    MRP : 3000     ( ₹ 400 OFF)

    2600       BTP Price

    ( Vendor from 0 )

    (price may vary based on party location )

    ( Payment and Return Policy )



    1. Face painting is a fun and sure way to please the kids.
    2. Face painting artist can paint different designs on children's faces and hands.
    3. They can cover 30 to 40 kids depending on selected designs.
    4. Artist will be available for a maximum of 3 hours.
    5. Colours used are harmless.
    6. Artist can do designs like Angry bird, rainbow, butterfly, spiderman, cartoons, birds, animals, etc.
    7. Our professional Artists can do the requested design from the guest as well.


    If you have a party and looking for face painting artists at an affordable price, then BTP can help you.

    We have various artists on our platform where you can search through their services and price points and book the one under your budget.

    We have been helping customers organize a great party and create a magical experience for the kids.

    The face painters on our platform offer impeccable services and use harmless colours for your child and their friend’s safety.

    They can also offer you customized services when asked for. There is a lot of anxiety in being confident that you have the right face painter.

    Fortunately, our focus on quality, reliability, safety, and customer service keeps us on the top when you search for the best face painters for your kid’s party.

    Check the availability of face painters now.


    1. The table and chairs need to be arranged by you for the artist to arrange their props and carry out the activity.
    2. Face painting artist can also do tattoo designs on hand. 
    3. Artist will bring their colors and props for the activity. 
    4. If you need it for a longer duration or guest count is more, the price will be charged extra at Rs. 850/hr for 9 kids.


    1. All the activities will be booked for the duration mentioned in the Inclusions.
    2. The payment needs to be done as per our payment policy 
    3. Ensure that the power supply is available to complete decorations on time & hassle-free.
    4. Give the decorators sufficient time to set-up your venue.
    5. Ensure the required arrangements are in place to execute it on time. Few decorations might need a table, ladder, chairs, plug points based on your selection and venue type. Please cross-check before you place the order.
    6. For anything additional which is not mentioned here, you will need to pay extra.
    7. If there is any damage to any of the merchandise used for this set-up, you will be billed accordingly.
    8. You need to ensure that all necessary permissions/copyrights and authorizations are in place beforehand.
    9. Booking does not include any furniture/fixtures. Examples, but not limited to chairs, tables, carpets, power points, ladder.
    10. Booking is not inclusive of housekeeping services.
    11. Booking also does not include venue royalty charges, maintenance charges, housekeeping charges, power charges, and any other charges that are not specified in this package.
    12. We use all the safety precautions, but we are not liable for any casualties arising at any stage.