FISH THE BOTTLE-Corporateevent |

    (2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 4 hours

    1. A carnival favourite game, fish the bottle at your party will keep the kids busy and entertained for a few hours.
    2. In this game, glass bottles are placed on a surface and the guest is given a rod with a string and ring attached to the end.
    3. The guest needs to put the ring around the bottle and who does it maximum times is a winner.
    4. Fishing the bottle is not easy as the rod provided is flexible and the ring is small, thus keeping the guests busy trying to fish the bottle.
    5. The winner is awarded a gift that needs to be arranged by the host and can be bought from our ADD-ONS Section at a low-cost.
    6. The gifts need not be lavish, but small ones that kids will love. The excitement of winning gifts will allow each child to try the game.
    7. So, for your next party, rent fish the bottle game from BTP and let the fun begin.

    MRP : ₹ 2800

    (price may vary based on party location )

    ( Payment and Return Policy )