(2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 4 hours

    1. How about encouraging kids to enjoy color clay modeling activities in a party? They will thoroughly enjoy the whole thing.
    2. Are you worried about hiring the right experts? Do pay a visit to the famous BTP platform where you will get hold of a rich database of color clay modeling professionals.
    3. They have several years of experience in this art. The kids will learn to mould clay into various shapes under his/her guidance.
    4. The dash of colors to little models of animals, flowers and vehicles will add dimensions to the excitement.
    5. The children can also take these models with them after the party.
    6. The duration of one session of color clay modeling is about 3 hours.
    7. It depends on what type of shapes and figures the kids want to mould.

    MRP : ₹ 2800

    (price may vary based on party location )

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