POT PAINTING-Corporateevent | BookTheParty.in

    (2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 4 hours

    1. If you organize some creative activities in your kid’s birthday party, the event will truly become memorable for not only your kid and his/her same-aged friends, but also for parents in the invited guest list.
    2. On such wonderful activity is pot painting. You can consult a service provider registered at BTP platform who arranges for pots for the purpose.
    3. You may contact the concerned person and tell about your requirements. At a time, number of pots that will be provided to a customer is 30.
    4. Children can use various colors, brushes and sketch pen to draw different figures on the pots.
    5. It will be a nice engagement for them. They can draw trees, animals or even their friends present in the party. The atmosphere will become frolicsome.

    MRP : ₹ 5200

    (price may vary based on party location )

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