PUNCH BALL ARCADE GAME-Corporateevent | BookTheParty.in

    (2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 4 hours

    1. Punch The Ball is an arcade game which enables the person to test their strength.
    2. This is a competitive game that can add ultimate fun and buzz to your party.
    3. This game can be played by an individual or a group of people.
    4. Players need to punch the ball as hard as they can to set the highest score and let others break it.
    5. With this game, there is no need for logic or skill as it is a pure brute force that will decide who the winner is.
    6. Punch the Ball will bring out competitive streak amongst your guests and keep them occupied for a few hours.
    7. An ideal attraction game for all and the guests will remember the party for long.
    8. So, for your next party do not forget to add in Punch the Ball by renting online at BTP.

    MRP : ₹ 13200

    (price may vary based on party location )

    ( Payment and Return Policy )