Popcorn 100 Nos-Corporateevent | BookTheParty.in
  • Popcorn 100 Nos

    (2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 4 hours


    We are here talking about everyones favorite Popcorn.

    People who make faces on every other dish also cannot resist without having atleast one cone.

    You must ensure to get hot and crunchy popcorn to every table of the party.

    You can't imagine to make it on your own or get market made popcorn, they will surely turn soggy and tasteless.

    Now you can get your hot servings only at BTP, they are available with best popcorn with unlimited serves.

    NOTE: Extra per piece price is Rs.60/-

    MRP : ₹ 2600

    (price may vary based on party location )

    ( Payment and Return Policy )