POTATO SPRING ROLLS 300 Nos-Corporateevent | BookTheParty.in

    (2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 6 Hours


    Birthday Parties are always exciting from decoration to buying various gifts; it is highly challenging.

    But if you stop worrying about the preparation of the party but take it as fun time, you will enjoy the most.

    Do you want to add potato spring rolls - 300 no's in your list for the birthday party? The loaded baked potato wrapped inside the crisp spring rolls can be a perfect starter to treat the guests.

    Best food is the most important aspect in a Birthday party.

    So, hurry up, without wasting any time.

    NOTE: Extra per piece price is Rs.60/-

    MRP : ₹ 15600

    (price may vary based on party location )

    ( Payment and Return Policy )