FRENCH FRIES 200 NOS-Corporateevent |

    (2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 6 Hours


    How about piling French fries on the table in front of the guest at the Birthday party? Well, French fries is a snack that no one can resist.

    They are crispy, tasty and irresistable.

    Looking for the arrangements of the making and serving French fries in a party at low cost? Check with BTP and hire the most promising team for a delicious snack like French fries.

    Hurry! No more worrying about who to hire and how? Visit BTP and get the convenience of hiring one at your own terms.

    NOTE: Extra per piece price is Rs.50/-

    MRP : ₹ 16700

    (price may vary based on party location )

    ( Payment and Return Policy )