POTTERY-Corporateevent | BookTheParty.in

    (2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 4 hours


    Pottery is a fun and interesting activity to entertain the guests of all age groups, but kids are more excited.

    Pot maker moulds the clay on the running wheel creating unique and beautiful pot designs.

    All the guests will enjoy seeing this activity and even try their hands at it creating something special.

    While some may feel that the activity is a messy one, but it is quite easy to clean up afterward.

    The pot maker has aprons that keep your kid’s clothes clean and the artist helps them during the activity.

    Kids will be delighted to see the shapes they can create with the clay once they have learned the technique.

    The pots created by kids can be taken away as return gifts. When hiring a pot maker for kids at a birthday, you need to ensure every child gets enough time at the wheel and have fun.

    You can hire pot makers at BTP for a maximum of 3 hours and if you need them for extra hours, you will need to pay more.   

    MRP : ₹ 6500

    (price may vary based on party location )

    ( Payment and Return Policy )