HAMMER GAME 14 FEET HEIGHT-Corporateevent | BookTheParty.in

    (2 reviews)

    Event Duration : 4 hours

    1. Hammer game is very popular among people of all age groups.
    2. One has to hit the hammer with all the power on the machine to get the maximum numbers on the scoreboard.
    3. Or you can ring the bell attached at the top of the hammer game machine. The highest point-getter will win the game.
    4. The game can be played between two people or a group of people. It is also known as a power checker machine as one can check their power by hitting the hammer.
    5. It is a rivalry game between two contrasting people where scores can be seen at the top of the machine.
    6. The game is fun to have at the party as everyone will be happy to show their strength.
    7. You can rent a hammer game machine online at BTP for a very affordable rate and offer your guests a fun entertaining element to keep them busy for a few hours.

    MRP : ₹ 13200

    (price may vary based on party location )

    ( Payment and Return Policy )